Welcome to Lake Erie British Car Club

​ Club monthly meetings are held at Charlie's Restaurant, 6945 W. Central Avenue in Sylvania.
Food service starts at 5:30 pm, the meeting starts at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend.
We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month, except December.
Established in 1999, we have grown from a small group of British car enthusiasts to an exciting car club with over 100 'garages' and 175+ members. Based in the Toledo, Ohio metropolitan area, we have members from throughout the region covering Northwestern Ohio, Southeastern Michigan, and beyond.
We are a fun all-marque club dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of classic British automobiles and motorcycles. We sponsor an annual car show, regular membership meetings, a monthly newsletter, an annual Members' Dinner, and numerous one-day and weekend trips throughout the driving season.
The 26th annual LEBCC car show is Sunday, June 1, 2025. The British Return To Fort Meigs that day from 10am to 3pm with another field full of beautiful British vehicles. We saw a large variety for our 25th annual car show in spite of the rainy weather in the morning. The skies cleared and we all had a great time Thank you to all those who attended and contributed to the show. Registration will be available in 2025 by going to the CAR SHOW page.
Join the LEBCC today!
Being an all-marque club, we welcome all modern or vintage British automobile and motorcycle enthusiasts to join us. You don't need to own a British classic to belong or to enjoy our activities. Our annual car show is held the 1st Sunday in June at Fort Meigs in Perrysburg, Ohio.
Dues are $20 per year, which covers the cost of our newsletter and some Club-sponsored events throughout the year. Our activities include day-trips, weekend adventures, weekly cruises during driving season, holiday get-togethers, picnics and potlucks, and whatever suggestions the members have.

For additional information about the Club please email us at:
lakeeriebrits@gmail.com and feel free to contact any of our officers:
Brad Babb, President- 419.340.6670
Tony Shoviak, Vice President- 419.878.2041
Jane Kaiser, Treasurer- 419.349.5652
Carol Fingerhut, Membership and Secretary- 419.855.8567

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The 26th annual British Return to Fort Meigs car show will be Sunday June 1, 2025

We were fortunate to have a beautiful day for our twenty fifth annual The British Return to Fort Meigs car show. Though the day started with a bit of rain the sun came out and the temperature was perfect. We had some great food and conversations along with iconic rock and roll tunes from the 50's and 60's. Good Times!
Thank you to all attendees and a special thanks to all the individuals and businesses who helped make this show so special. Look for more information later this year for the twenty sixth annual show
on June 1, 2025. We look forward to seeing you then.